Thursday 1 April 2010

Same link different solution ?

Well this was a weird discovery. Looking at KB1012812 from vmware i get a different "solution" in Internet explorer vs Firefox.
No wonder i get no performance overview chart ;)

I used this link

See screens

Same link different solution ?

Tuesday 23 March 2010

VMware Workstation 7.1, VMware Player 3.1, and VMware ACE 2.7 Beta Release Notes

Vmware announced the beta for vmware workstation 7.
This is just a small capture off the release note's the full details are written here.
I did see the title VMware ACE 2.7 but there are no extra feature's for ace announced.

VMware Workstation 7.1, VMware Player 3.1, and VMware ACE 2.7 Beta Release Notes

New Features in VMware Workstation and VMware Player

•New Support for 32-Bit and 64-Bit Operating Systems
•OpenGL 2.1 support for Windows 7 and Vista guests
•Improved Graphics Performance
•Automatic Software Updates — Download and install VMware Tools, new, and maintenance releases updates when available.
•OVF 1.0 Support
•Eight-Way SMP Support
•2TB Virtual Disk Support — Maximum virtual disks and raw disks size increased from 950MB to 2TB.
•Direct Launch

Other people are logged on to this computer

Other people are logged on to this computer. Restating Windows might cause them to lose data.
Do you want to continue restarting?

I received this “error” after i wanted to reboot the virtual machine. The interesting question about this is who logged on to this machine. Therefore you need to run the command qwinsta
This displays information about sessions on a terminal server.

Open command prompt xxx use the ip number of the “target” server:
C:\>qwinsta /
console admin2 0 Active wdcon
rdp-tcp 65536 Listen rdpwd
rdp-tcp#6 admin14 1 Active rdpwd

This will list the connections.

Thursday 3 December 2009

POC with 3par


The storage team here is going to have a proof of concept with 3par storage.
That's going to be very interesting.
They asked me if i wanted to join the "testteam" from esx perspective's. Were in the middle of the migration to vsphere but the test's are going to be mainly on the "old 3.5 environment".
If there is time the testing will also take place at the new environment with the mpio settings in place. Iometer is going to be the "measurement tool". Also software developers created a build environment to test with. This all will take place in Januari. Preparing and writing!

its christmas(olmost) :D

Friday 27 November 2009


After i didn't do my exam because of the misplanning i had another issue when installing the new environment. Yea having a great day :D

After installing the new host's i connected the second nic to the service console. Because of this i lost my connection to the host.

Login to the console(local physical machine).

List the nics that are in use by the service console
esxcfg-vswitch -l to list the nic's
Specify the nic you wan't to remove.

esxcfg-vswitch --unlink=vmnic0 vSwitch0
After this vmnic0 is removed from the vswitch and you can connect again to the host with the vi client.

Maybe there is a quicker solution but this worked for me.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Find the password on the host.

Stealing host password's.
The tool used for password recovery is explained on

Here is it in action.

Friday 18 September 2009

Vmware User Group meeting Belgium

Today i received the invitation to visit the FREE vmware user group meeting in belgium.
Last time the location was Superb. So this one's im going to visit and evaluate the location ;) and of course the subject's below are also interesting.

Driving Directions and location info : The Bowling Stones : Wemmel - Steenweg op Brussel 397 - 1780 Wemmel (Brussel)

The agenda of this meeting: (subject to change)

13u15: Welcome (Reinoud Reynders - UZLeuven)
13u20: VMWorld Summary (Nicolas van Wijnsberghe - VMware)
14u00 Installation and Configuration ESX Vsphere - best practices (Gabrie -
14u45: Break offered by Symantec
15u00 : Protection in a virtual environment (Paul Murgatroyd & Kim Apers - Symantec)
15u30: Upgrade your environment (Jan Tiri - VMWare)
16u15: Microsoft Licensing in a VDI environment (Patrick Viaene-Microsoft)
17u00: Vmug Drink offered by Symantec
To attend this FREE meeting you need to be logged in first (if you are not a member yet, please do so. It's free!)

Once logged in you'll see a question above 'I will attend'. Then you'll thick yes or no.